practice with me

She's so supportive and makes you feel safe to explore your potential . "

- Brodi

" Your kind spirit and words provided a lot of comfort during my difficult time "

- Rita

" You really can't go wrong with Alanna, you can just tell how passionate and caring she is. She's so knowledgable and really goes above and  beyond. "

- Sophie

10 - 30 min yoga videos on digestion, circulation, stress, energy, vitality + so much more !

Yoga talks on philosophy, spiritual development, meditation, ayurveda + more !

Learning to love + heal your body everyday

Your time is now...

If you answered yes to 2-4 of the above..
then Dream bee Yoga is perfect for you !

moments to release stress; fears + anxiety

deepening your pranayama and meditation practice

workouts that bring you joy + amazing results

tips + tricks on mindfulness + living a yoga sattvic lifestyle

What do you need today?

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This channel is for creators, wanderers + kind souls to connect to the divine energy in us all. 

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 Ayurveda Yoga Specialist


I am a RYT 500h certified yoga instructor and Ayurveda Yoga Specialist passionate about sharing and inspiring others on their divine human experience.


4 €

A poetic guide and scrapbook to help you create memories and journal your progress 

Learn about asanas, yoga philosophy, chakras, Ayurveda and so much more

71 pages of tips and inspirations from my personal yoga journey

most popular



4 €

Watch your progress grow and let your creativity flow

Create a scrapbook and take your own photos of each asana.

Read these poems when you do not have the time or space to do your practice  

43 pages filled with
35 different yoga asanas each represented by a meditative poem


deepen your practice

" So helpful + inspiring ! "

- Justine

Learning about yoga philosophy has brought me deeper connection and kindness with myself 

" Ayurveda taught me so much about myself "

- Nathalie

I now practice my own daily ritals to take better care of my physical and emotional body. 

" I absolutely loved this! "

- Catherine

In just a few months I have made so much progress with my asana practice. I feel stronger, more patient and so powerful.


Dream bees are dreamers and believers. Those who are constantly growing and evolving into kind spirits, spreading their light in this world.

thank you
to all the dream bees !

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